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Ngày xưa, tại kinh đô một nước, có bà vợ góa của một người thợ may nghèo tên là Moustafa sống với con trai tên là Aladdin. Năm Aladdin 15 tuổi, có một lão phù thủy cao tay ấn cất công từ châu Phi sang, làm quen với mẹ con
Aladdin để thực hiện một mưu đồ to lớn của lão. Lão dụ dỗ Aladdin đến một cái hầm bí mật lấy cho lão cái đèn dầu
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A long time ago there was a boy named Aladdin. He lived with his mother.A long time ago there was a boy named Aladdin. He lived with his mother.
One day, a stranger came to him. “Hello, Aladdin. I’m your uncle!”One day, a stranger came to him. “Hello, Aladdin. I’m your uncle!”
The stranger bought Aladdin good food and clothes. He was a magician from Africa.The stranger bought Aladdin good food and clothes. He was a magician from Africa.
The magician took Aladdin to a field.The magician took Aladdin to a field.
“Aladdin, go and get some dry twigs. I will make a fire. I will show you my magic!”“Aladdin, go and get some dry twigs. I will make a fire. I will show you my magic!”
Suddenly there was some thunder. The ground split.Suddenly there was some thunder. The ground split.
Aladdin saw a stone door.Aladdin saw a stone door.
“Look! There are some stairs. Aladdin go down the stairs, Find an old lamp.”“Look! There are some stairs. Aladdin go down the stairs, Find an old lamp.”
The magician gave a ring to Aladdin.The magician gave a ring to Aladdin.
“This ring will help you.” he said.“This ring will help you.” he said.
Aladdin found a lamp in the ground.Aladdin found a lamp in the ground.
“Aladdin, give me the lamp.” “No, let me out first.”“Aladdin, give me the lamp.” “No, let me out first.”
The magician was angry. “I will not let you out!”The magician was angry. “I will not let you out!”
The magician closed the stone door. “I don’t like it in here.”The magician closed the stone door. “I don’t like it in here.”
“I don’t like it in here.” Aladdin rubbed the ring.“I don’t like it in here.” Aladdin rubbed the ring.
Suddenly a genie came out of the ring.Suddenly a genie came out of the ring.
“I am a genie of the ring. What do you want?”“I am a genie of the ring. What do you want?”
“I want to go home.”“I want to go home.”
“Ok. I will take you to your home.”“Ok. I will take you to your home.”
After a few days, Aladdin’s mom rubbed the lamp.After a few days, Aladdin’s mom rubbed the lamp.
The genie of the lamp came out.The genie of the lamp came out.
“I am a genie of the lamp. What do you want?”“I am a genie of the lamp. What do you want?”
Aladdin’s mom said. “I want food! I want jewels!”Aladdin’s mom said. “I want food! I want jewels!”
“Now, I’m rich! I have everything!”“Now, I’m rich! I have everything!”
One day, Aladdin saw a beautiful princess in the parade.One day, Aladdin saw a beautiful princess in the parade.
“Who is that beautiful girl? Is she the princess? She’s so beautiful!”“Who is that beautiful girl? Is she the princess? She’s so beautiful!”
Aladdin rubbed the lamp to see the genie. “Genie! I love the princess. I want to marry her.”Aladdin rubbed the lamp to see the genie. “Genie! I love the princess. I want to marry her.”
The genie said, “ Master! Give these presents to the king.”The genie said, “ Master! Give these presents to the king.”
Aladdin went to the king and said, “Here are some presents for you, my king!”Aladdin went to the king and said, “Here are some presents for you, my king!”
“Ok, you can marry the princess.”“Ok, you can marry the princess.”
“Thank you, my king. I will build a great palace for my princess.”“Thank you, my king. I will build a great palace for my princess.”
Aladdin and the princess lived happily.Aladdin and the princess lived happily.
The magician was casting a magic spell. “Please! Show me where the lamp is!”The magician was casting a magic spell. “Please! Show me where the lamp is!”
Aladdin looked so happy. The magician was very angry.Aladdin looked so happy. The magician was very angry.
He went to Aladdin’s palace.He went to Aladdin’s palace.
The magician pretended to be a lamp seller. “New lamps for old! New lamps for old!”The magician pretended to be a lamp seller. “New lamps for old! New lamps for old!”
He shouted. The princess told her maid,He shouted. The princess told her maid,
“Aladdin has a very dirty old lamp. Change the old lamp for a new lamp.”“Aladdin has a very dirty old lamp. Change the old lamp for a new lamp.”
The magician changed the lamp with a new one.The magician changed the lamp with a new one.
The magician rubbed the lamp.The magician rubbed the lamp.
“Now, I’m your master. Listen to me.”“Now, I’m your master. Listen to me.”
He commanded.He commanded.
“Move Aladdin’s palace to Africa.”“Move Aladdin’s palace to Africa.”
“Yes, master!”“Yes, master!”
The genie moved the palace to Africa.The genie moved the palace to Africa.
Aladdin could not find the palace.Aladdin could not find the palace.
He asked the genie of the ring. “Please take me to the princess”He asked the genie of the ring. “Please take me to the princess”
The genie took Aladdin to Africa.The genie took Aladdin to Africa.
The princess was happy to see Aladdin again.The princess was happy to see Aladdin again.
Aladdin said,Aladdin said,
“Princess! Please give these sleeping pills to the magician.”“Princess! Please give these sleeping pills to the magician.”
The princess asked the magician,The princess asked the magician,
“Do you want something to drink? I have a drink for you”“Do you want something to drink? I have a drink for you”
The magician took a drink and fell asleep.The magician took a drink and fell asleep.
Aladdin took his lamp back from the magician.Aladdin took his lamp back from the magician.
“Take my palace back now! I want to go back home with the princess.”“Take my palace back now! I want to go back home with the princess.”
The king was very happy to see the princess again.The king was very happy to see the princess again.
Aladdin and the princess lived happily ever after with his mother and the king.Aladdin and the princess lived happily ever after with his mother and the king.