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The fisherman and goldfish
(Ông lão đánh cá và con cá vàng)
Câu chuyện kể về một ông lão đánh cá bắt được một con cá vàng, nhưng con cá xin ông thả tự do cho nó, đổi lại,
nó sẽ thực hiện bất kỳ điều ước nào của ông.
Các bé xem nội dung như thế nào nhé!

The fisherman and goldfish
Once upon a time,Once upon a time,
there was an old fisherman who lived with his wife in a dirty little house.there was an old fisherman who lived with his wife in a dirty little house.
They were very poor. One day, the fisherman caught a big flounder.They were very poor. One day, the fisherman caught a big flounder.
My wife will be happy with me.My wife will be happy with me.
This flounder will make a nice dinner for us. We will eat well today!This flounder will make a nice dinner for us. We will eat well today!
But before he could take the flounder off the hook,But before he could take the flounder off the hook,
he heard the flounder talking to him! Please don’t kill me.he heard the flounder talking to him! Please don’t kill me.
I am really a prince and if you let me go, I will grant you a wish.I am really a prince and if you let me go, I will grant you a wish.
A talking fish! I cannot eat such magical fish!A talking fish! I cannot eat such magical fish!
Here, let me throw you back into the water!Here, let me throw you back into the water!
When the fisherman got home that day, his wife was waiting for him.When the fisherman got home that day, his wife was waiting for him.
She looked angry. I see you caught nothing for us to eat!She looked angry. I see you caught nothing for us to eat!
What are we going to do now?What are we going to do now?
I did catch a big flounder, but he turned out to be a magical fish.I did catch a big flounder, but he turned out to be a magical fish.
He told me that he was really a prince.He told me that he was really a prince.
And he told me that if I let him go, he would grant me a wish.And he told me that if I let him go, he would grant me a wish.
Well, did you make a wish? No, I didn’t.Well, did you make a wish? No, I didn’t.
I just threw him back into the water.I just threw him back into the water.
Why didn’t you ask for a new house? This old house is falling apart.Why didn’t you ask for a new house? This old house is falling apart.
Go back to the flounder and ask him to give us a new house!Go back to the flounder and ask him to give us a new house!
The fisherman did not want to bother the flounder.The fisherman did not want to bother the flounder.
But he did go back to the river because he wanted to make his wife happy.But he did go back to the river because he wanted to make his wife happy.
When he got to be river, he called out to the flounder.When he got to be river, he called out to the flounder.
Fisherman, what is it that you want? Please give my wife a new house.Fisherman, what is it that you want? Please give my wife a new house.
Your wish is granted. Now go home.Your wish is granted. Now go home.
When the fisherman got home, he saw a nice new house.When the fisherman got home, he saw a nice new house.
It was much larger and cleaner the little house they lived in before.It was much larger and cleaner the little house they lived in before.
Are you happy now, dear wife?Are you happy now, dear wife?
This house is nice, but why shouldn’t I have a castle?This house is nice, but why shouldn’t I have a castle?
Go at once and ask the flounder for a castle!Go at once and ask the flounder for a castle!
But this is such a nice house!But this is such a nice house!
The fisherman did not want to go back to the flounder.The fisherman did not want to go back to the flounder.
But his wife kept arguing with him until he agreed to go back to the river.But his wife kept arguing with him until he agreed to go back to the river.
He called the flounder. I gave a new house.He called the flounder. I gave a new house.
Now what do you want? My wife wants a castle. Very well.Now what do you want? My wife wants a castle. Very well.
Your wish is granted. Go back home to your wife.Your wish is granted. Go back home to your wife.
When the fisherman got home,When the fisherman got home,
he saw that there was a large castle where his house once stood.he saw that there was a large castle where his house once stood.
I can’t live in a castle and not be the Queen.I can’t live in a castle and not be the Queen.
Go back to the flounder and tell him to make me a Queen.Go back to the flounder and tell him to make me a Queen.
Dear wife! You asked for a castle and now we’re living in a castle.Dear wife! You asked for a castle and now we’re living in a castle.
Why aren’t you happy? I must be a Queen!Why aren’t you happy? I must be a Queen!
I can’t be happy until I can be a Queen.I can’t be happy until I can be a Queen.
Now go back to the flounder!Now go back to the flounder!
But the fisherman did not want to go to the flounder again.But the fisherman did not want to go to the flounder again.
But the want to make his wife happy.But the want to make his wife happy.
And so the fisherman went back to the river and called for the magical flounder again.And so the fisherman went back to the river and called for the magical flounder again.
Your wife now has a castle. So why are you here?Your wife now has a castle. So why are you here?
You gave us a castle, but now my wife says she must be a Queen.You gave us a castle, but now my wife says she must be a Queen.
Very well. Your wife is now a Queen. Go back home, Fisherman.Very well. Your wife is now a Queen. Go back home, Fisherman.
When the fisherman returned to the castle,When the fisherman returned to the castle,
he saw his wife sitting on a large throne with a golden crown on her head.he saw his wife sitting on a large throne with a golden crown on her head.
Servants stood by her side to get whatever she wanted.Servants stood by her side to get whatever she wanted.
You must now be very happy.You must now be very happy.
Now that I am Queen, I must also be the Empress,Now that I am Queen, I must also be the Empress,
I must have power to rules over many subjects.I must have power to rules over many subjects.
Go to the flounder and tell him that I need to be made an Empress!Go to the flounder and tell him that I need to be made an Empress!
The fisherman went back to the river sadly.The fisherman went back to the river sadly.
He could not disobey the orders of the Queen!He could not disobey the orders of the Queen!
He called the flounder again.He called the flounder again.
Please grant me one more wish.Please grant me one more wish.
The Queen wishes to be made Empress to rule over all her subjects.The Queen wishes to be made Empress to rule over all her subjects.
Go back to your wife at once and you will find her to be an Empress.Go back to your wife at once and you will find her to be an Empress.
When the fisherman went home once again,When the fisherman went home once again,
he found that his wife was now the Empress.he found that his wife was now the Empress.
Dukes and ladies, King and Queen, bowed down to her.Dukes and ladies, King and Queen, bowed down to her.
Husband, this is not enough.Husband, this is not enough.
I must have power over the sun and the moon, over everything in the universe!I must have power over the sun and the moon, over everything in the universe!
Go back to the flounder that I became God!Go back to the flounder that I became God!
I can’t do that! Go at once!I can’t do that! Go at once!
Afraid of his wife, the fisherman ran to the river to call the flounder again.Afraid of his wife, the fisherman ran to the river to call the flounder again.
Flounder, Flounder! I have one more wish.Flounder, Flounder! I have one more wish.
What do you want from me now?What do you want from me now?
Haven’t I given you everything you need and more? Oh, Flounder!Haven’t I given you everything you need and more? Oh, Flounder!
The Empress now says that she must become that ruler of the sun and the moon.The Empress now says that she must become that ruler of the sun and the moon.
She wants to be God of all creation! The flounder shook its head.She wants to be God of all creation! The flounder shook its head.
I cannot grant you wish. She has asked for too much.I cannot grant you wish. She has asked for too much.
Instead of being God, you will find you old wife living in you old house.Instead of being God, you will find you old wife living in you old house.
And that is exactly how the fisherman found his wife when he went home.And that is exactly how the fisherman found his wife when he went home.
And they are still living in the dirty house to this day.And they are still living in the dirty house to this day.