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The goose with the Golden Eggs
(Con ngỗng với những quả trứng vàng)
Ngày nọ, một người nông dân thấy trong ổ của con ngỗng của mình hiện ra một quả trứng vàng. Sau khi cầm
đi hỏi những người xung quanh, ông ta biết đó đúng là một quả trứng bằng vàng. Mang quả trứng đi bán, ông ta
thu được một số tiền lớn. Từ ngày hôm sau, cứ mỗi buổi sáng ông ta lại có thêm một quả trứng vàng. Chẳng mấy
chốc, người nông dân ấy trở nên giàu có.
Một hôm, ông ta nảy ra ý định lấy một lần tất cả những quả trứng vàng có trong bụng con ngỗng vì tiếng lành
đồn xa, thể nào cũng có kẻ đến trộm mất con ngỗng. Ngỗng bị mổ bụng, chết toi, nhưng trong bụng nó chẳng có
một quả trứng vàng nào cả. Tham thì thâm!
Các em xem nội dung nhé!

The goose with the Golden Eggs
A farmer and his wife live in a small house in the country. They are very poor. Then one day something fantastic happens.A farmer and his wife live in a small house in the country. They are very poor. Then one day something fantastic happens.
Good morning, dear. Good morning.Good morning, dear. Good morning.
I’ll fry you some eggs.I’ll fry you some eggs.
The wife goes out to the barn to get some eggs. She suddenly shouts loudly to the farmer.The wife goes out to the barn to get some eggs. She suddenly shouts loudly to the farmer.
Come out here, dear! Quickly!Come out here, dear! Quickly!
Why? What’s the matter?Why? What’s the matter?
The farmer runs out to the barn.The farmer runs out to the barn.
Look at this!Look at this!
What is it?What is it?
A golden egg? Where did you get it?A golden egg? Where did you get it?
From this goose. It laid this golden egg.From this goose. It laid this golden egg.
Quack, quack!Quack, quack!
I can’t believe it. It’s so shiny and beautiful.I can’t believe it. It’s so shiny and beautiful.
What shall we do with it?What shall we do with it?
Sell it at the market.Sell it at the market.
Good idea. I’ll sell it and buy some meat.Good idea. I’ll sell it and buy some meat.
Yes. I’ll cook you a delicious meal tonight.Yes. I’ll cook you a delicious meal tonight.
Yahoo! Thank you, goose.Yahoo! Thank you, goose.
The farmer goes to the market that afternoon and gets a good price for the golden egg.The farmer goes to the market that afternoon and gets a good price for the golden egg.
The farmer and his wife have a nice dinner that night, but they can’t fall asleep.The farmer and his wife have a nice dinner that night, but they can’t fall asleep.
They are so excited and hope that the goose will lay another golden egg tomorrow morning.They are so excited and hope that the goose will lay another golden egg tomorrow morning.
Wake up, dear. Let’s see if the goose laid another golden egg.Wake up, dear. Let’s see if the goose laid another golden egg.
Okay. Let’s hurry.Okay. Let’s hurry.
The two rush out to the barn.The two rush out to the barn.
Look! Another GOLDEN EGG!Look! Another GOLDEN EGG!
Thank you, goose. We will be rich soon.Thank you, goose. We will be rich soon.
Yes. Thanks to the goose.Yes. Thanks to the goose.
Feed it well, dear.Feed it well, dear.
Of course. I will feed it the best food.Of course. I will feed it the best food.
After that, the farmer and his wife gave the goose the best food. They loved the goose. The goose kept laying a golden egg every day.After that, the farmer and his wife gave the goose the best food. They loved the goose. The goose kept laying a golden egg every day.
Some months later, the couple moved to a bigger house. They were very happy.Some months later, the couple moved to a bigger house. They were very happy.
Thanks to the goose, we are not poor anymore.Thanks to the goose, we are not poor anymore.
That is true. But I’m getting curious.That is true. But I’m getting curious.
About what?About what?
The goose doesn’t look special.The goose doesn’t look special.
So what?So what?
But how can it lay golden eggs?But how can it lay golden eggs?
Good question. Now I’m getting curious, too.Good question. Now I’m getting curious, too.
More months passed and the farmer and his wife became quite rich.More months passed and the farmer and his wife became quite rich.
We are now quite rich. Thanks to the goose.We are now quite rich. Thanks to the goose.
Yes. But I want to get really rich fast.Yes. But I want to get really rich fast.
Think. We don’t know how the goose lays the golden eggs.Think. We don’t know how the goose lays the golden eggs.
But we know where they are coming from.But we know where they are coming from.
We do? Where?We do? Where?
From the goose’s stomach, of course. So its stomach must be full of golden eggs.From the goose’s stomach, of course. So its stomach must be full of golden eggs.
Perhaps. I don’t know.Perhaps. I don’t know.
Can’t you see? We can become really rich all at once.Can’t you see? We can become really rich all at once.
What do you mean?What do you mean?
Cut open the goose’s stomach. Take out all of the golden eggs inside.Cut open the goose’s stomach. Take out all of the golden eggs inside.
You mean KILL the goose?You mean KILL the goose?
Yes. A golden egg a day is too slow.Yes. A golden egg a day is too slow.
I want to become really rich. Now!I want to become really rich. Now!
But it has given us a golden egg every day. It made us rich.But it has given us a golden egg every day. It made us rich.
We can’t kill it now.We can’t kill it now.
Why not? Don’t you want to become richer faster?Why not? Don’t you want to become richer faster?
Yes, but we are rich right now.Yes, but we are rich right now.
Yes. But I want to become REALLY REALLY rich.Yes. But I want to become REALLY REALLY rich.
I want to live in the city. Bring the knife from the kitchen.I want to live in the city. Bring the knife from the kitchen.
If you wish, dear.If you wish, dear.
The farmer brings a sharp knife from the kitchen.The farmer brings a sharp knife from the kitchen.
The goose sees the knife and starts crying and runs away. The wife hides the knife behind her back.The goose sees the knife and starts crying and runs away. The wife hides the knife behind her back.
Quack, quack!Quack, quack!
What’s the matter, goose? I have something delicious for you.What’s the matter, goose? I have something delicious for you.
Quack, quack!Quack, quack!
It’s run away! Go and catch it!It’s run away! Go and catch it!
Okay, dear. Come here, goosey!Okay, dear. Come here, goosey!
Quack, quack!Quack, quack!
Catch it! Catch it!Catch it! Catch it!
I got it!I got it!
Quack, quack!Quack, quack!
The farmer catches the goose and the wife is about to cut open its stomach.The farmer catches the goose and the wife is about to cut open its stomach.
We will be really rich soon. How many eggs will there be?We will be really rich soon. How many eggs will there be?
I don’t know. But there must be many.I don’t know. But there must be many.
I’m getting curious now. Hurry up.I’m getting curious now. Hurry up.
Cut it open.Cut it open.
Okay, here I go.Okay, here I go.
The goose’s stomach is cut open. The farmer and his wife look surprised.The goose’s stomach is cut open. The farmer and his wife look surprised.
Where are the golden eggs?Where are the golden eggs?
I don’t know. There must be some inside.I don’t know. There must be some inside.
Look carefully!Look carefully!
There are none! What have we done?There are none! What have we done?
No golden eggs?No golden eggs?
Poor goose. We were too greedy.Poor goose. We were too greedy.
So we will become poor again.So we will become poor again.
Poor us!Poor us!