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The Rabbit and the Tortoise
(Thỏ và rùa)
Thỏ và rùa là một chuyện ngụ ngôn nổi tiếng của Aesop. Câu chuyện xoay quanh cuộc thi chạy giữa rùa và
thỏ; câu chuyện như sau: Ngày xửa ngày xưa, có một con Rùa và một con Thỏ cãi nhau xem ai nhanh hơn. Chúng
quyết định giải quyết việc tranh luận bằng một cuộc thi chạy đua. Chúng đồng ý lộ trình và bắt đầu cuộc đua. Thỏ
xuất phát nhanh như tên bắn và chạy thục mạng rất nhanh, khi thấy rằng mình đã khá xa Rùa, Thỏ nghĩ nên nghỉ
cho đỡ mệt dưới một bóng cây xum xê lá bên vệ đường và nghỉ thư giãn trước khi tiếp tục cuộc đua. Vì quá tự tin
vào khả năng của mình, Thỏ ngồi dưới bóng cây và nhanh chóng ngủ thiếp đi trên đường đua.
Nội dung cụ thể như thế nào các em xem nhé!

The Rabbit and the Tortoise
Once upon a time, there was a rabbit.Once upon a time, there was a rabbit.
“Ah… ah…”“Ah… ah…”
“I feel sleepy. I feel very sleepy.”“I feel sleepy. I feel very sleepy.”
Then he hopped down the hill and met some friends,Then he hopped down the hill and met some friends,
the pig, the goat and the cow.the pig, the goat and the cow.
“Hi! Oink, oink.” “Hi! Bleat, beleat.”“Hi! Oink, oink.” “Hi! Bleat, beleat.”
“Hi! Moo, moo.”“Hi! Moo, moo.”
“Good to see you. I am bored, let’s play together.”“Good to see you. I am bored, let’s play together.”
“Play together?”“Play together?”
They met the tortoise.They met the tortoise.
“Hi, tortoise! I am happy to see you.”“Hi, tortoise! I am happy to see you.”
“Hi, rabbit. I am happy to see you, too.”“Hi, rabbit. I am happy to see you, too.”
“Hi, pig! Hi, goat! Hi, cow!” “Hi, we are happy to see you.”“Hi, pig! Hi, goat! Hi, cow!” “Hi, we are happy to see you.”
“Tortoise, you’re so slow that the first time I saw you,“Tortoise, you’re so slow that the first time I saw you,
I thought you were a rock! Hahaha! Look at me.I thought you were a rock! Hahaha! Look at me.
I’ve got long, long legs and I can really go!I’ve got long, long legs and I can really go!
From now on, call me Speedy, everybody.”From now on, call me Speedy, everybody.”
The rabbit didn’t stop.The rabbit didn’t stop.
“In a race, I come in first. Always, I never, ever lose.“In a race, I come in first. Always, I never, ever lose.
But look at the tortoise.But look at the tortoise.
He must be the laziest animal in the whole world!”He must be the laziest animal in the whole world!”
“Rabbit! Eh… Speedy! It’s enough.”“Rabbit! Eh… Speedy! It’s enough.”
“Cow is right. Tortoise is our friend.”“Cow is right. Tortoise is our friend.”
“And he’s nice.” “What can he do?”“And he’s nice.” “What can he do?”
“I can run.”“I can run.”
“Can you run? Okay, let’s have a race.”“Can you run? Okay, let’s have a race.”
The next day at noon, all the animals came to see the fun.The next day at noon, all the animals came to see the fun.
“How are you doing?”“How are you doing?”
“Fine. You know what? Tortoise is almost 100 years old.”“Fine. You know what? Tortoise is almost 100 years old.”
“Poor tortoise!”“Poor tortoise!”
“Why don’t we start over here? Let me draw a line.”“Why don’t we start over here? Let me draw a line.”
Then they needed a finish line.Then they needed a finish line.
“Do you see the pine tree over there?”“Do you see the pine tree over there?”
“Where? I can’t see it.” “On top of the hill.”“Where? I can’t see it.” “On top of the hill.”
“Yes, I can see it. I can see the pine tree.”“Yes, I can see it. I can see the pine tree.”
The old tortoise couldn’t see well.The old tortoise couldn’t see well.
“Look at the tortoise! How can he beat me?”“Look at the tortoise! How can he beat me?”
Victory in mine. Hahahahaha.”Victory in mine. Hahahahaha.”
The race was about to start. “Tortoise, are you ready?”The race was about to start. “Tortoise, are you ready?”
“Yes, I am ready.” At last the cow called out.“Yes, I am ready.” At last the cow called out.
“Ready, steady, go!” “I must run fast. I can win.“Ready, steady, go!” “I must run fast. I can win.
Tortoise is slow. I must run fast.”Tortoise is slow. I must run fast.”
“I must go fast. I can win. I am not slow. I must hurry.”“I must go fast. I can win. I am not slow. I must hurry.”
The rabbit shot ahead and ran briskly for some time.The rabbit shot ahead and ran briskly for some time.
“Where is the tortoise? Haha, I can’t see him. Haha, I win.”“Where is the tortoise? Haha, I can’t see him. Haha, I win.”
Tortoise just crossed the bridge.Tortoise just crossed the bridge.
“Where is the rabbit? I can’t see him.”“Where is the rabbit? I can’t see him.”
I must hurry. I must hurry. But I am tired.”I must hurry. I must hurry. But I am tired.”
Rabbit was tired, too. Rabbit sat down under the mushroom tree.Rabbit was tired, too. Rabbit sat down under the mushroom tree.
“Poor guy! Even if I take a nap, he can’t catch up with me.“Poor guy! Even if I take a nap, he can’t catch up with me.
Ah… I feel so sleepy.” Tortoise sweated heavily.Ah… I feel so sleepy.” Tortoise sweated heavily.
He walked to the mushroom tree where the rabbit slept.He walked to the mushroom tree where the rabbit slept.
“Oh, rabbit is fast asleep. Sweet dream, rabbit.“Oh, rabbit is fast asleep. Sweet dream, rabbit.
I must hurry.”I must hurry.”
Tortoise was almost at the finish line.Tortoise was almost at the finish line.
“Wow, almost at the finish line. I did it. I did it.“Wow, almost at the finish line. I did it. I did it.
10 more steps to go. 10, 9…” “8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”10 more steps to go. 10, 9…” “8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”
At last, tortoise won the race.At last, tortoise won the race.
“I am winner. I came in the first.”“I am winner. I came in the first.”
“You did it, tortoise.” “You are the winner.”“You did it, tortoise.” “You are the winner.”
“Where is the rabbit? What is he doing?”“Where is the rabbit? What is he doing?”
“I lost. Tortoise won the race!”“I lost. Tortoise won the race!”