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The ugly duckling
(Chú vịt xấu xí)
Truyện kể về một chú vịt con sinh ra trong một sân nuôi gia cầm, bị những gia cầm khác chung quanh đối xử tồi
tệ, bắt nạt, cho tới khi chú lớn lên trở thành một con thiên nga xinh đẹp trước sự kinh ngạc của những gia cầm
khác. Truyện này được nhiều người trên khắp thế giới yêu thích, coi là một truyện về sự biến đổi con người từ xấu
thành tốt đẹp hơn.
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The ugly duckling
Once upon a time, down on an old farm lived a duck family.Once upon a time, down on an old farm lived a duck family.
Mother duck had been sitting on a clutch of new eggs.Mother duck had been sitting on a clutch of new eggs.
“I am waiting for you, little ducklings.”“I am waiting for you, little ducklings.”
The egg started to move one by one. “Oh, my pretty little ducklings.”The egg started to move one by one. “Oh, my pretty little ducklings.”
Mother duck started to worry because something was wrong with the last egg.Mother duck started to worry because something was wrong with the last egg.
“Oh, this egg isn’t hatching. Mother duck’s friend said,“Oh, this egg isn’t hatching. Mother duck’s friend said,
“Something is wrong with the egg. What happened? Look at the egg. It is bigger than the rest.”“Something is wrong with the egg. What happened? Look at the egg. It is bigger than the rest.”
“You’re right.” It was bigger than the rest.“You’re right.” It was bigger than the rest.
“Little duckling, please hatch. Mommy is waiting for you.”“Little duckling, please hatch. Mommy is waiting for you.”
Tock! Tock! Mother duck heard a strange noise.Tock! Tock! Mother duck heard a strange noise.
The little duckling was pecking inside his shell.The little duckling was pecking inside his shell.
“Oh, my pretty little duckling.”“Oh, my pretty little duckling.”
But mother duck looked disappointed.But mother duck looked disappointed.
“Oh, my! He looks strange. He is really ugly.”“Oh, my! He looks strange. He is really ugly.”
Mother duck was very sad.Mother duck was very sad.
The duckling grew quickly.The duckling grew quickly.
Once nice morning, three ducklings and one ugly duckling followed mother duck.Once nice morning, three ducklings and one ugly duckling followed mother duck.
“Follow me, little ducklings. One, two, three, four.”“Follow me, little ducklings. One, two, three, four.”
“One, two, three, four.”“One, two, three, four.”
“Look at my ducklings. Aren’t they preety?”“Look at my ducklings. Aren’t they preety?”
“Yes, they are pretty. But that duckling is ugly.”“Yes, they are pretty. But that duckling is ugly.”
“That duckling looks strange.“That duckling looks strange.
Well, the last duckling with gray feathers is ugly.”Well, the last duckling with gray feathers is ugly.”
As the day went by, the poor ugly duckling became more and more unhappy.As the day went by, the poor ugly duckling became more and more unhappy.
“You are an ugly duckling.” “I don’t like you.” “Go away!”“You are an ugly duckling.” “I don’t like you.” “Go away!”
The ugly duckling was sad.The ugly duckling was sad.
“Nobody loves me. Why am I different from my brothers?”“Nobody loves me. Why am I different from my brothers?”
He ran away from the farmyard.He ran away from the farmyard.
The ugly duckling saw a small cottage.The ugly duckling saw a small cottage.
There lived an old lady, a puppy and a cat.There lived an old lady, a puppy and a cat.
The old lady thought, “Hm, I hope it’s a female and lays plenty of eggs.”The old lady thought, “Hm, I hope it’s a female and lays plenty of eggs.”
She let the ugly duckling stay with them.She let the ugly duckling stay with them.
One day the cat asked “Me-ow, me-ow. Ugly duckling! Where is your egg?”One day the cat asked “Me-ow, me-ow. Ugly duckling! Where is your egg?”
The ugly duckling replied, “I don’t have an egg. I’m hungry. I’m very hungry.”The ugly duckling replied, “I don’t have an egg. I’m hungry. I’m very hungry.”
The ugly duckling tried to drink some milk.The ugly duckling tried to drink some milk.
But he spilled the milk. “Woof, woof. Ugly duckling, go away!”But he spilled the milk. “Woof, woof. Ugly duckling, go away!”
Once again he was all alone. He fled as far away as he could.Once again he was all alone. He fled as far away as he could.
At dawn, he found himself in a thick bed of reeds.At dawn, he found himself in a thick bed of reeds.
“Nobody wants me. Nobody loves me.”“Nobody wants me. Nobody loves me.”
Then he saw a flight of beautiful birds flying overhead.Then he saw a flight of beautiful birds flying overhead.
“If only I could look like them, just for a day!”“If only I could look like them, just for a day!”
Winter came. The poor ugly duckling was hungry.Winter came. The poor ugly duckling was hungry.
“It’s freezing and I’m hungry. I need some food.”“It’s freezing and I’m hungry. I need some food.”
He dropped exhausted to the ground, but a farmer found him.He dropped exhausted to the ground, but a farmer found him.
“Poor thing, he’s frozen. I’ll take him home to my children.“Poor thing, he’s frozen. I’ll take him home to my children.
They will look after him.”They will look after him.”
That’s spring, the duckling saw himself mirrored in the water.That’s spring, the duckling saw himself mirrored in the water.
“Goodness! How I’ve changed! I’m not ugly anymore.”“Goodness! How I’ve changed! I’m not ugly anymore.”
In the sky, the flight of swans winged north again.In the sky, the flight of swans winged north again.
“We’re swans like you. Where have you been hiding?”“We’re swans like you. Where have you been hiding?”
“It’s a long story.”“It’s a long story.”
The ugly duckling almost burst with happiness.The ugly duckling almost burst with happiness.