Anh văn thiếu nhi - Anh văn Trẻ em

Hỗ trợ online


Can you see....

("Bạn Có Thấy...")


Can you see the doctors?

They're saying "hello".

They help sick people

They're good to know.

Can you see the police officers?

They're saying "hello".

They help everyone.

They're good to know.

Can you see see the farmers?

They're saying "hello"

They grow food.

They're good to know.

Can you see the students?

Just look and see!

We study at school,

All of you and me.

Các em cùng nghe bài hát nha!

Bài hát đang được cập nhật, các bé vui lòng trở lại sau!