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Bài 2: Long and Short
(Dài và ngắn)
Các em làm quen với một số thuật ngữ cơ bản trong bài học "Long and short" của môn Toán bằng Tiếng anh nhé
Line: đường thẳng Board: bảng học
Short line Đường thẳng ngắn Long line đường thẳng dài
Blue ribbon: ruy băng màu xanh Red ribbon: ruy băng màu đỏ
White ruler: Cây thước trắng Yellow eraser: Cục tẩy màu vàng
Let us = let's Chúng ta
What are you doing ? Bạn đang làm gì vậy?
What did happen? Chuyện gì đã xảy ra?
Let me help you! Hãy để tôi giúp bạn!
Bye for now Tạm biệt nhé!

Bài 2: Long and Short
What are you doing Starry?What are you doing Starry?
Uhmm. You have drawn a line on the board.Uhmm. You have drawn a line on the board.
Now, let us draw another line next to yours.Now, let us draw another line next to yours.
Look what did happen? The two lines are different in their sizes.Look what did happen? The two lines are different in their sizes.
The line you have drawn is short. But the new line is long.The line you have drawn is short. But the new line is long.
Short line – long line.Short line – long line.
Short – long.Short – long.
These words are use to compare size.These words are use to compare size.
Starry, out of these ribbons. Please, pick up the longer one. What is it Starry?Starry, out of these ribbons. Please, pick up the longer one. What is it Starry?
Ok, let me help you! Let us unroll the ribbon and find out the longer one.Ok, let me help you! Let us unroll the ribbon and find out the longer one.
Now, show me the longer ribbon, Starry?Now, show me the longer ribbon, Starry?
Oh yes. The blue ribbon is long but the red ribbon is short.Oh yes. The blue ribbon is long but the red ribbon is short.
Good job, Starry!Good job, Starry!
Let us have some fun!Let us have some fun!
Here are some long objects and some short objects.Here are some long objects and some short objects.
Let us find these objects which are longer.Let us find these objects which are longer.
The green belt is longer. The purple skirt is longer.The green belt is longer. The purple skirt is longer.
Now, from these pictures, let us call out the short objects.Now, from these pictures, let us call out the short objects.
The white ruler is short. The yellow eraser is short.The white ruler is short. The yellow eraser is short.
That was interesting, wasn’t it Starry? Bye for now.That was interesting, wasn’t it Starry? Bye for now.