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Bài 27: Reading number one to hundred
(Cách đọc từ 1 đến 100)
Các em làm quen với một số thuật ngữ cơ bản của số học trong bài học Reading number one to hundred của môn Toán bằng Tiếng anh nhé

Bài 27: Reading number one to hundred
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,10010, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,100
Ready, Starry, you thought we were going to play hide and seek again. Not right now Starry, because today we have to practice reading numbers from 1 to 100.Ready, Starry, you thought we were going to play hide and seek again. Not right now Starry, because today we have to practice reading numbers from 1 to 100.
Look at this board. Shall we begin reading the numbers in serial order Starry.Look at this board. Shall we begin reading the numbers in serial order Starry.
Now the next column Starry!Now the next column Starry!
Here isHere is
And nowAnd now
The number that comes after 50 is 51 then 52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60The number that comes after 50 is 51 then 52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60
The next column isThe next column is
Then 71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78-79-80Then 71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78-79-80
Now 81-82-83-84-85-86-87-88-89-90Now 81-82-83-84-85-86-87-88-89-90
And after 90 comesAnd after 90 comes
91-92-93-94-95-96-97-98-99 and 10091-92-93-94-95-96-97-98-99 and 100
And in this activity Starry, look at the same board of numbers.And in this activity Starry, look at the same board of numbers.
We have to read the numbers along with the colour.We have to read the numbers along with the colour.
We will begin with the yellow row then read the blue and then the red line, then again with the yellow in the same sequence.We will begin with the yellow row then read the blue and then the red line, then again with the yellow in the same sequence.
Shall we begin with the first yellow row Starry!Shall we begin with the first yellow row Starry!
And now the blue lineAnd now the blue line
Next the red lineNext the red line
Now back with the yellow line StarryNow back with the yellow line Starry
The blue line again StarryThe blue line again Starry
And the red line start withAnd the red line start with
Starry, the yellow line againStarry, the yellow line again
And the blue line begin withAnd the blue line begin with
The red line StarryThe red line Starry
And the last line Starry, the yellow line, let’s read it togetherAnd the last line Starry, the yellow line, let’s read it together
And in this activity Starry, we will have some fun. We will read number along the diagonal or slanting line.And in this activity Starry, we will have some fun. We will read number along the diagonal or slanting line.
Again we have the blue, yellow and red line.Again we have the blue, yellow and red line.
Let’s begin!Let’s begin!
Blue 1Blue 1
Yellow 2-11Yellow 2-11
Red 3-12-21Red 3-12-21
Now the blue diagonal line again: 4-13-22-31Now the blue diagonal line again: 4-13-22-31
Yellow line Starry: 5-14-23-32-41Yellow line Starry: 5-14-23-32-41
The red line: 6-15-24-33-42-51The red line: 6-15-24-33-42-51
The blue line again: 7-16-25-34-43-52-61The blue line again: 7-16-25-34-43-52-61
Yellow line: 8-17-26-35-44-53-62-71Yellow line: 8-17-26-35-44-53-62-71
Red line: 9-18-27-36-45-54-63-72-81Red line: 9-18-27-36-45-54-63-72-81
The blue line: 10-19-28-37-46-55-64-73-82-91The blue line: 10-19-28-37-46-55-64-73-82-91
The yellow line: 20-29-38-47-56-65-74-83 and 92The yellow line: 20-29-38-47-56-65-74-83 and 92
Starry, another red line: 30-39-48-57-66-75-84-93Starry, another red line: 30-39-48-57-66-75-84-93
The blue line has: 40-49-58-67-76-85-94The blue line has: 40-49-58-67-76-85-94
Yellow line: 50-59-68-77-86-95Yellow line: 50-59-68-77-86-95
Red line: 60-69-78-87-96Red line: 60-69-78-87-96
Blue line: 70-79-88-97Blue line: 70-79-88-97
Starry the yellow line again: 80-89-98Starry the yellow line again: 80-89-98
The red line with just 2 numbers: 90-99The red line with just 2 numbers: 90-99
And finally the last line yellow with the number 100And finally the last line yellow with the number 100
In this last activity Starry, a star will appear with any number you have to read it aloud.In this last activity Starry, a star will appear with any number you have to read it aloud.
Let’s begin!Let’s begin!
Are you happy Starry?Are you happy Starry?
You have now learnt to read the numbers from 1 to 100.You have now learnt to read the numbers from 1 to 100.